“Be humble for you are made of earth. Be noble for you are made of stars.”
~Serbian Proverb
About Shizuko:
Shizuko has been trained in a variety of healing modalities and works with her Guides, Angels and Ancestors. She is a Reiki Master Teacher and Integrated Energy Therapy Master-Instructor. She is currently being mentored by a First Nation Elder,Eagle Skyfire, and walking the Good Red Road.
Her interest in alternative healing began at an early age, mostly out of necessity. She remembers falling sick often as a young girl, and tried many self-healing techniques from her parents’ books. Out of those, reflexology, Taiji, Qigong, and yoga were some of her favorites.
In the year 2004, a series of events had thrown her onto a fast track healing journey. The search for the ‘cure’ soon became a transformational process. Over the years, she has learned that her sensitivity is not a ‘symptom’ to be healed, but a gift to be nurtured.
Shizuko offers her services through sessions and workshops.